Linq - basic how to samples:
using System.Linq;
public class Item
public string Name;
public int ItemID;
public int Buff;
public class Main
public List<Item> Items;
public void Start()
string[] names = { "ralf", "Peter", "Thomas", "Christian", "Patrice" };
/* ANY demo */
var nameFound = names.Any(name => name == "Peter");
Debug.Log("Found name : " + nameFound);
/* Contains */
var nameContained = names.Contains("Christian");
Debug.Log("Found conatined : " + nameContained);
/* Distinct - remove duplicates*/
var uniqueNames = names.Distinct();
/* Where */
var result = names.Where(n => n.Length > 5);
/* select greater than results */
int[] grades = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 33, 80, 13, 90, 100 };
var highGrades = grades.Where(i => i > 65);
foreach (int grade in highGrades)
Debug.Log("selected grade : " + grade.ToString());
/* select ORDER BY .. DESCENDING */
var descGrades = grades.OrderByDescending(i => i);
foreach (var item in descGrades)
Debug.Log("Int item = " + item);
/* precondition before moving on - image the Items collection including 5x Item with various values */
/* check if ItemID 3 exists in the List of Item */
var containsId3 = Items.Where(i => i.ItemID == 3);
var itemId3found = Items.Any(i=>i.ItemID == 3);
Debug.Log("is Items including ItemId 3 : " + itemId3found);
/* select all items with buff greater then 60 and print them out */
var itemsGT60 = Items.Where(i => i.Buff > 60);
foreach (var buff in itemsGT60)
Debug.Log("buff Items > 60 : " + buff);
/* calculate the average of all the buff stats */
var resultAverage = Items.Average(i => i.Buff);
Debug.Log("Average : " + resultAverage);
// find the entry in an array of objects where each object got the property 'Name'
using System;
string searchForName = "Patrice"
var foundItem = Array.Find(CollectionOfItems, x=> x.Name==searchForName);